W. Lamar Chesney Never Let Your Vision Be Limited By Your Sight© Motivational Speaker and Executive/Team Guide

Managers “Push” and Leaders “Pull”. Most of us spend our entire life becoming proficient at articulating to others how to get to a destination. We become skilled at knowing when and how to undertake steps to create or maintain momentum … in self and in others. But few ever develop the skill to inspire others (or self) to be drawn to a destination by clearly painting a picture of where and why. To be successful in any change endeavor, BOTH are essential. Most change efforts have an abundance of “Push” but are sorely lacking in “Pull”. It is important to be driven by your vision and guided by your sight.
Change is constant. Transformation journeys are ever-present in business and personal situations. Supplementing your efforts with a seasoned Transformational Guide can be extremely beneficial in pace, direction, pace and results.
Lamar Chesney has 40+ years of experiences in a variety of transformational endeavors. Garnering his insights … seeing what he sees … and managing the environment to accelerate positive change are all of great value for any executive undertaking a transformation in his/her business, organization or life.